15 februari 2010

Svenska kvinnor var en centimeter längre 2005 än 1981.
Källa: SCB

4 kommentarer:

  1. Och exakt hur är det en *god* nyhet?


  2. Författaren gillar långa kvinnor helt enkelt :)

  3. Att man blir längre tyder bl a på att man får i sig näringsrik mat. Man når sin fulla potential, så att säga.

    Men visst, som kille på 173 cm så är det en rejält irriterande nyhet... ;)

  4. "Growth has long been recognized as a measure of the health of individuals, hence part of the reasoning for the use of growth charts. For individuals, as indicators of health problems, growth trends are tracked for significant deviations and growth is also monitored for significant deficiency from genetic expectations. Genetics is a major factor in determining the height of individuals, though it is far less influential in regard to populations. Average height is increasingly used as a measure of the health and wellness (standard of living and quality of life) of populations. Attributed as a significant reason for the trend of increasing height in parts of Europe is the egalitarian populations where proper medical care and adequate nutrition are relatively equally distributed. Changes in diet (nutrition) and a general rise in quality of health care and standard of living are the cited factors in the Asian populations."

